

Session 1: IOL for presbyopia correction
Dr. Roberto Pinelli When to choose presbilasik and when to choose multifocal IOL
Dr. Tobias Neuhann Monovision versus Multifocal IOL
Dr. Sudi Patel Depth of Focus
Dr. Johan De Lange Comparing Multifocal IOL’s: Acrysof IQ ReStor with Lentis MPlus and Physiol Fine Vision Trifoca
Dr. Pavel Rozsival Experience with Oculentis MF IOL, about 15O IOLs and their assesment
Dr. Ewa Mrukwa-Kominek Presbyopia correction with multifocal toric intraocular lens implantation
Dr. Magda Rau First impressions about the correction of presbyopia in pseudophakic eyes with 1st Q AddOn progressive IOL
Dr. Luis Salva Ladaria What Gullstrand did not mention – the optics of the tear film
Dr. Frank J. Goes The psychology of accommodation, revisited
Session 2: laser for presbyopia correction
Dr. Klaus Ditzen SMILE: a new femtosecondlasertreatment for refractive surgery
Dr. Vicente Rodriguez PresbyLASIK Xtra
Dr. Charles Ghenassia lasik xtra corneal crosslinking and his indication
Dr. Mike Holzer Five Years Experience with Corneal Steepening Procedures for Presbyopia Correction
Dr. Bojan Pajic Performance In Vivo of the Femto-Presby-LASIK with multifocal corneal algorithm ablation
Dr. Frédéric Hehn Isovision
Dr. Jérôme Bovet First Results with Isovision online software for presbyopia treatment calculation
Session 3: presbyopia correction, new technology
Dr. Frank J. Goes The ultimate solution for presbyopia THE BIONIC EYE
Claes Feinbaum Presbidrops – patient selection and outcomes from a 86 eyes
Dr. Juan Rocco Pharmacological Treatment of Presbyopia
Dr. Philippe Leynaud Kamra
Dr. AnnMarie Hipsley Restoration of Accommodation: New Perspectives
Dr. Jérôme Blondel InFo a new IOL
Dr. Sudi Patel ‘The D-N graph’- An essential, or only, tool for analysing the results of presbyopia treatment