Session 1: IOL for presbyopia correction |
Dr. Roberto Pinelli |
When to choose presbilasik and when to choose multifocal IOL |
Dr. Tobias Neuhann |
Monovision versus Multifocal IOL |
Dr. Sudi Patel |
Depth of Focus |
Dr. Johan De Lange |
Comparing Multifocal IOL’s: Acrysof IQ ReStor with Lentis MPlus and Physiol Fine Vision Trifoca |
Dr. Pavel Rozsival |
Experience with Oculentis MF IOL, about 15O IOLs and their assesment |
Dr. Ewa Mrukwa-Kominek |
Presbyopia correction with multifocal toric intraocular lens implantation |
Dr. Magda Rau |
First impressions about the correction of presbyopia in pseudophakic eyes with 1st Q AddOn progressive IOL |
Dr. Luis Salva Ladaria |
What Gullstrand did not mention – the optics of the tear film |
Dr. Frank J. Goes |
The psychology of accommodation, revisited |
Session 2: laser for presbyopia correction |
Dr. Klaus Ditzen |
SMILE: a new femtosecondlasertreatment for refractive surgery |
Dr. Vicente Rodriguez |
PresbyLASIK Xtra |
Dr. Charles Ghenassia |
lasik xtra corneal crosslinking and his indication |
Dr. Mike Holzer |
Five Years Experience with Corneal Steepening Procedures for Presbyopia Correction |
Dr. Bojan Pajic |
Performance In Vivo of the Femto-Presby-LASIK with multifocal corneal algorithm ablation |
Dr. Frédéric Hehn |
Isovision |
Dr. Jérôme Bovet |
First Results with Isovision online software for presbyopia treatment calculation |
Session 3: presbyopia correction, new technology |
Dr. Frank J. Goes |
The ultimate solution for presbyopia THE BIONIC EYE |
Claes Feinbaum |
Presbidrops – patient selection and outcomes from a 86 eyes |
Dr. Juan Rocco |
Pharmacological Treatment of Presbyopia |
Dr. Philippe Leynaud |
Kamra |
Dr. AnnMarie Hipsley |
Restoration of Accommodation: New Perspectives |
Dr. Jérôme Blondel |
InFo a new IOL |
Dr. Sudi Patel |
‘The D-N graph’- An essential, or only, tool for analysing the results of presbyopia treatment |