Dr. Jérôme Bovet Welcome speach
Dr. Johan De Lange Philosophical evaluation of different presbyopia corrective methods
Dr. Frank J. Goes Development of a patient selection tool for implantation of multifocal lenses
Claes Feinbaum A new way of selecting patients for presbyopic refractive surgery
Claes Feinbaum Presbyopic Refractive Surgery 2004 and 2009. The Fairy Tale continues
Dr. Jean‐Paul Chevalier Binocular vision and orthopsia in presbyopia surgery correction
Dr. Jérôme Blondel PRESBY‐LASIK: the advantages of modifying corneal asphericity
Dr. Charles Ghenassia Presbyfemtolaser : new approach spherical aberation, aspherity factor and residual accomodation
Dr. Frédéric Hehn Presbylasik and Q‐value: The Hehn‐Nomogram
Dr. René Trau Combined hyperopia ‐ presbyopia correction: the smiling cornea
Dr. Johan De Lange Intracor Femtosecond Laser Treatment for Presbyopia using the Femtec Laser manufactured by 21/10 Perfect Vision
Dr. Jérôme Blondel Intracor
Dr. Dominique Pietrini Presbylasik with thePresbyOne technolas perfect vision software
Dr. Nada Jabbur Presby treatments with VISX CustomVue Platform
Dr. Cyres Metha Study of the Alcon Restor +3 Add lens and the I Diff Diffractive IOL
Dr. Johan De Lange Correcting Presbyopia with lens exchange
Dr. Jean-Paul Chevalier Presbyopia surgery with Acrylisa lens
Dr. Salvador Garcia‐Delpech Presbyopia‐Correcting Bioptics
Dr. Salvador Garcia‐Delpech Reversible presbyopia
Dr. Frank J. Goes Tecnis ReZoom:Best way to achieve spectacle independence Mixing & Matching Multifocal Lenses: Results of an open European multicenter project
Dr. Frank J. Goes Bilateral Refractive Lensectomy. Technis MF versus Custommatch
Dr. Keiki Metha Managing presbyopia with the variable focal hema clamshell IOL
Dr. Jerome Bovet Astigmatism management with torique multifocal lens